The Club has received notification of proposed changes to the CPS.


The main proposed change concerns “Modified” vehicle for which a new “M” plate will be issued if they comply to proposed changes.. Further details on this can be found on line under Vic Roads (Guidelines for modifications to Vehicles Operated under the Scheme VSI33). As our Club will not be sponsoring “M” plates for the time being, I will not go into details, but members are welcomed to peruse the subject and make any comment which may be relevant.


Another change which will effect our Club is the fact that any new application (including re-entry) but not renewals, must be supported by a Current RWC. The exception will be for pre 1931 cars, which do not apply to our cars. As you will already be aware this condition (RWC) had already been part our Club’s rules, so nothing changes there. A further requirement is that the Club take a number of “dated” photos (including underbonnet) at the time of application, and these photos to be made available to Vic Roads on request. It’s assumed this last condition is to police “modifications”, which is the main aim of the changes.


The interesting part of the latest “proposed amendments” make no reference to “replicas” , so we must assume the “status quo” is maintained. The only interest will be in the area of “Club Plates” for non ICV with no VIN . The understanding is that these vehicles will need a RWC (no exceptions), so the Club’s much debated and approved “internal rules” for qualifications are now voided by the proposed amendments, ( the RWC will not be optional but mandated).


It is believed that the RWC requirements for all applicants may eliminate the option of “plates” for non Vin numbered vehicles, but it remains to be seen how successful applicants will be in obtaining a RWC.


Also, the above are “proposals” which VicRoads wants feedback from Clubs  and which will be implemented sometime after the 10th of October.

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  • My opinion is that there are many clubman’s sitting in garages which have been well constructed but with rule’s changing a couple of years ago to undergo Engineering to obtain a ICV report has poised there owners enthusiasm with not just the added cost which is thousands but also trying to find a automotive engineer that is available to inspect the vehicle and carry out the paperwork I myself contacted 12 months ago a engineer that the club recommended supplied all the information with photos as requested to be told months later that he was snowed under but will get back to me in due course, still no contact as the poor man is under the pump. Many owners like myself would be just happy to have our clubman’s on club permit so we can enjoy blowing the cobwebs away and bring back the smiles to our faces. As another owner from interstate expressed in an article that I red recently that these clubman vehicles off all makes and models have been put through many tests over the years.


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